Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Morocco Part I- Chefchaouen

The enchanting little town of Chefchaouen, Morocco, is all painted in blue. Every house and door are painted in a light turquoise blue, which for them represents God. They believe it to be important to paint the door houses in this color, because for them,  it represents the entrance of their heart, and since the blue color is the color of God, it means that God dwells within their home and hearts.
The Moroccan markets are as enchanting as their culture and people; the rich colors are abundant everywhere; with their natural pigments sold by the pound as well as their delicious spices. The women wearing their long colorful tunics sit on the ground to sell their freshly cut fruits and vegetables. If your go to Morocco you have to be prepared to bargain with the vendors, you can get a leather purse for what is equivalent to $100+ dll or $15 in dirhams, depending on how good you are at bargaining with them. That by itself is a whole art, people in this country take it as an intrinsic part of their culture and they appreciate when the other person knows how to negotiate, even though they also appreciate the dumb tourists who would over pay for the things they buy. Don't let them fool you! if you ever go to Morocco

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