Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lisboa, Portugal

                                                              Portuguese Sardine

Portugal was without doubt one of my favorite European countries, it brought me a sense of familiarity.  Their culture and the warm friendly people, the hot burning weather and their beautiful language reminded me alot of Mexico. usually I am not a big fan of seafood, but here I had no choice, since seafood is the main thing Portuguese people eat. They eat sardines in almost anything!, one of the most popular ways is to fry them and eat them on the streets. The one you see above, was actually not as disgusting as it appears to be. I know it looks pretty creepy but it was actually really good. Trust me, this coming from a person who doesn't love seafood. 

The last picture I felt obligated to include, since it definitely was one of my main cultural experiences in this country. The Portuguese Sagres beer, was the first beer in my life that I actually loved! before that I was a very strongly passionate beer hater. There wasn't any beer that wouldn't taste like pee to me,  and I was absolutely sure that I would die hating it, and no one would ever force me to drink a glass of that hideous liquid. Well, guess what?, after one zip of these beer, I had to swallow all my words. From that exact moment on I became a beer lover, Sagres was my first love encounter with beer.

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